Home People Obituaries Obituary – Draper Who Became a Farmer

Obituary – Draper Who Became a Farmer

March 1939

Mexborough and Swinton Times, March 3, 1939


Draper Who Became a Farmer
Wombwell Interests

The older generation at Wombwell will have heard with deep regret of the death at Cliff House, Darfield of Mr. James Goodall (76), formerly a draper and outfitter in Station Road, Wombwell,and later engaged in farming at Cumberworth.

Mr Goodall’s associations with Wombwell went back to his childhood and he had a great affection for the town.

Mr. James Goodall was a son of the late Mr. William Goodall, of who came to be stationmaster at Wombwell when the level crossing on the old Great Central system in Station Road was replaced by a bridge and a new station building was erected. He had previously been stationmaster on the same line at a small place near Manchester.

He held the position at Wombwell between thirty and forty years and became something of an “institution” in the town, taking a leading part in the work of the Wesleyan Church in Park Street. Mr. James Goodall was educated at Manchester Grammar, to which he travelled from Wombwell every day by train, the distance for the double journey being well over sixty miles. To do this he had to rise very early.

On leaving school he was apprenticed to Mr. George Heath, then Wombwell’s leading draper and outfitter, with premises in Station Road. After seven years Mr. Goodall left to take a similar post at Doncaster and in 1890 went into business on his own account at Hemsworth.

Seven years later he acquired the business in which he had been apprenticed and for some time carried on both establishments.

Mr. Goodall’s father built “Station Villa,” behind the “low” station at Wombwell and Mr. James Goodall went to live there. He always took a keen interest in the open air life and stock-raising, and fancied nothing better than a good horse.

Took Up Farming.

In 1915 he left Wombwell to take up farming at Cumberworth and finally gave up business in 1920, the premises being acquired by the Barnsley Co-operative Society.

It was in 1933 when Mr. Goodall met with a most unfortunate accident, which undermined his health completely. He was attempting to restrain a large short-horn bull which had been roused by chilIdren when the beast attacked him, got him on the ground, gored him badly and broke several of his ribs. He survived this terrible experience but never again enjoyed his normal robust health. Shortly afterwards he retired to a quiet life at 1Darfield, where he has been something of an invalid.

Mr. Goodall was a man of a very friendly nature and would never pass an old Wombwell acquaintance without a nod of pleasant recognition and a cheery word. He was confirmed at the Parish Church of Darfield and at Cumberworth was a member of the Parochial Church Council. He was a member of the Friendly Lodge of Freemasons (Barnsley) and also of the Beaumont Lodge (Kirkburton). He leaves a widow; two sons and two daughters.

The Funeral.

Conducting a funeral service at Darfield Parish Church on Wednesday, the Rector of Darfield, the Rev. H. Drown, said he thought it was hardly necessary to add to the words of their customary solemnities.

“We come here to lay to rest, he said, “one who was well known and highly respected and esteemed by his neighbours in this district. I am sure we may take it from the people who are here from other districts that the general esteem and appreciation of his high character went further afield than Darfield.”