Home 1870 1951


Very Seasonable-Of Course!

January 1951
South Yorkshire Times, Saturday January 6th 1951 Very Seasonable-Of Course! There was a racing atmosphere about the seasonable decorations in the male surgical ward at Montagu...

Wombwell Bride Sails East For Reunion in Hong Kong

January 1951
South Yorkshire Times, January 6, 1951 Wombwell Bride Sails East For Reunion in Hong Kong Nineteen mouths ago, Miss Betty Taberner was married at Wombwell to Mr...

Double – Decker Buses – New Area Service

January 1951
South Yorkshire Times, January 13, 1951 Double – Decker Buses Mexborough Area Service Double decker buses in High Street, Mexboro’, hitherto never seen there on Service, will...

Rediffusion (Advert)

January 1951
South Yorkshire Times, Saturday January 6th 1951 <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-18592" src="https://mexborough.dearnevalleyhistory.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/Img_0998a.jpg" alt="" width="514" height="809" /

The Old Year in Memory – South Yorkshire Diary Dates of 1950

January 1951
South Yorkshire Times, Saturday January 6th 1951 The Old Year in Memory South Yorkshire Diary Dates of 1950 1950 left a legacy of snow in 1951. It...

8,000 Patrons

January 1951
South Yorkshire Times, January 13, 1951 8,000 Patrons Wombwell Thespians Amateur Dramatic Society report that they played to more than 8,000 people last season. Congratulations on a...

Swinton Man Dies in Surrey – Former Wombwell Schoolmaster

February 1951
South Yorkshire Times, February 3rd, 1951 Swinton Man Dies in Surrey Former Wombwell Schoolmaster The sudden death on Monday of Mr Joseph Edwin Walton, at  Surbiton, Surrey,...

Breakdowns Cut Output

February 1951
South Yorkshire Times, February 3, 1951 Breakdowns Cut Output A 1,810 ton drop in output from the 13 pits in No 3 Area of the North...

Marconigrams – February 24, 1951

February 1951
South Yorkshire Times, February 24, 1951 Marconigrams Electric street lighting at Conisbrough is to cease each night at midnight. Conisbrough Urban Council are to ask the Ministry...

Wombwell Amateur Operatic Society – ” Show Boat “

February 1951
South Yorkshire Times, February 17, 1951 " Show Boat " Wombwell Amateur Operatic Society have made a happy choice in the "Show Boat," which they are...