Home 1916 June 1916

June 1916

Sailor – Haigh, Wilfred – Down with Indefatigable

June 1916
Mexborough and Swinton Times, June 17, 1916 Able Seaman Wilfred Haigh 106 Park street, Wombwell, who went down with the Indefatigable From Wikipedia: HMS Indefatigable was a battlecruiser...

Sailor – Walker, Fred – Wend down with Indefatigable

June 1916
Mexborough and Swinton Times, June 17, 1916 First Class Stoker Fred Walker 83, Blythe Street, Wombwell, who went down with the Indefatigable From Wikipedia: HMS Indefatigable was a...

Soldier – Bowen, Joseph – Prisoner of War

June 1916
Mexborough and Swinton Times, June 17, 1916 Sapper Joseph Bowen (Royal Engineers) 75 Bartholemew Street, Wombwell Prisoner of War in Germany

Soldier – Clarkson, Herbert – Wounded in the Wrist

June 1916
Mexborough and Swinton Times, June 3, 1916 Private Herbert Clarkson (York & Lancs) of New Wombwell. Wounded in the wrist. Now in lord Derby's Hospital, Warrington

Soldier – Eames, George – Wounded and in Kent hospital

June 1916
Mexborough and Swinton Times, June 1916 Private George Eames (Scots Fusiliers) 5 Princess Street, Wombwell Wounded in the leg, and no in hospital in Kent

Soldier – Eames, Thomas B. – Died of Wounds in France

June 1916
Mexborough and Swinton Times, June 1916 Lance Corporal Thomas B Eames (York & Lancs) 7 Princess Street, Wombwell Died of Wounds in France From C.W.G.C. Service No: 13/286 Date of Death:...

Soldier – Ellis, Frank – A Wombwell Sniper

June 1916
Mexborough and Swinton Times, June 3, 1916 Private Frank Ellis (York & lancs) Frederick Street, Wombwell, formerly a driver in the Transport Service, is now acting as...

Soldier – Gaunt, Jack – Wombwell Man in Heavy Fighting

June 1916
Mexborough and Swinton Times, June 1916 Wombwell Man in Heavy Fighting Officer Killed by his Side Private Jack Gaunt, Northumberland Fusiliers Mrs Gaunt, of George St, Wombwell has received...

Soldier – Hargreaves, Joseph – Died of Gas Poisoning

June 1916
Mexborough and Swinton Times, June 1916 Private Joseph Hargreaves (York & Lancs) 51 Lundhill Row, Wombwell Died of gas poisoning, May 17, 1916 From C.W.G.C. Service No: 13/481 Date of Death:...

Soldier – Marshall – Died Nobly

June 1916
Mexborough and Swinton Times, June 1916 Died Nobly Comrade's Tribute to a Wombwell hero Private Chris Marshall (York and Lancs) Mr Marshall, 55 George Square, George Street, Wombwell, has...