Mexborough and Swinton Times, May 25, 1928
Rock From Roof.
Wombwell Miner’s Fatal Injury
Scaffold Smashed.
“Every precaution appears to have been taken in this case, and it is apparently one of those unfortunate cases which could not have been avoided by any ordinary method,” commented Mr WH Carlile, at an inquest at the Montagu hospital, Mexborough, yesterday, on Lewis Rowe (47) miner of 17 Rimington Rd, Wombwell, who was fatally injured while working at Barnburgh Main colliery on May 17.
The jury returned a verdict of “Accidental death.”
The coroner said deceased was taking stones from the roof and was standing on a staging erected on a slight incline. As Rowe was tapping the roof with his hammer a large piece of stone fell down, breaking the staging and fracturing Rowe’s right like. He was taken to hospital where he died,
Mary Rowe, widow, gave evidence of identification.
James MacWalters, 4, Church Street, Low Valley, Darfield, said he was in charge of the party. They had only been on the staging for about ten minutes when the accident occurred. Witness had just tested the roof and it appeared solid. Rowe struck about a dozen blows when a huge piece of stone, weighting about a ton, fell. The scaffolding was broken, and Rowe was thrown to the ground. The stone fell on his legs, crushing them. He was taken to hospital with a fracture of the right leg.
Samuel Jones, 71, High Street, Goldthorpe, deputy, said when he examined the place shortly before the accident everything appeared safe. He considered the scaffolding was sufficiently strong to stand any ordinary strain. Even if there had been additional support, he did not think it would have been strong enough to stand the strain imposed by the fall.
Dr. Joan Dunbar said deceased was admitted at four o’clock on Thursday afternoon, May 17th, suffering from a compound fracture of the right leg. He was given an anaesthetic while the leg was being set; and later it was found that there were no signs of a blood supply to the injured ]imb. The leg was amputated at the knee on Monday, and Rowe died early the following morning. The cause of death was shock and loss of blood following the injuries.
Mr. Soar expressed regret on behalf of the colliery company at the death of a good workman and Mr. Wragg (Y.M.A.) offered sympathy to the relatives.