Home Courts and Crime Domestic Took Another Woman Home

Took Another Woman Home

November 1917

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Thursday 08 November 1917

Took Another Woman Home

The Barnsley West Riding magistrates, yesterday, ordered Edwin Holroyd, miner, of Wombwell, to pay 25s per week for the maintenance of his wife, Edith Hoyroyd, whom he had deserted.

Mr. W. Townend, for complainant, said the parties were married ten years ago, and of the three children of the union, one was living.

A week last Saturday night defendant brought home another woman, and turned his wife and child out. He had previously told her that that was his deliberate intention.

Defendant was employed at Wombwell Main Colliery, and his average earnings were £3 9s. 9d. per week.

Complainant said when her husband brought home another woman she told her out. When the woman refused to go complainant pushed her, and in reply to her question said she was pushing her out because it was her home.

After a minute defendant pulled complainant away, pushed her out, and told her to go where she liked. He had told her before that he had had enough of her, and that he was going to enjoy himself.

The Chairman (to defendant, who pleaded guilty); Any questions? Defendant: No. it is true what she says.