Home Places Park Street The Theft from The Co-Operative Stores

The Theft from The Co-Operative Stores

September 1889

Sheffield Evening Telegraph September 18, 1889

The Theft from The Co-Operative Stores

Emma Leather, of Park Street Wombwell was charged with having stolen one sovereign, the property of Hamer Hirst, manager of the Barnsley British Co-Operative Society Store at Wombwell on Monday.

Mr H Horsfield prosecuted and Mr Rideal defended.

Mr Horsfield said in consequence of several till robberies at the Wombwell co-operative stores, and following the visits of the prisoner to the stars, suspicion was fixed upon her, and the prosecutor marked a sovereign and several silver coins, and attached a string to the till drawer, so that he could tell when it was opened.

On Monday afternoon he saw the prisoner coming towards the shop, and taking one end of the string in his hand left the shop. He went into the adjoining room, and prisoner entered the shop. A minute later prosecutor felt the string pulled, and turning round saw the prisoner leaning over the counter with her hand in the till.

He came into the shop and asked “What have you got,” and she replied, “It is the first time; don’t make a bother nor sent for a Bobby.” She produced a marked sovereign from her pocket, and was given into custody.

The prosecutor and police constable Williams gave evidence, and prisoner was sent to jail for six weeks.