Sheffield Independent – Thursday 15 November 1923
Remarkable Career of late Mr. John Robinson.
The death occurred, yesterday, at the age of 86, of Mr. John Robinson, Wombwell, who a few weeks ago reached the 60th anniversary of his wedding. A widow, three sons, and three daughters are left. Twenty years old when first he arrived in what was then straggling village, Mr. Robinson remained to earn the title King of Wombwell.” He was associated with the Bronte family, and was one of the few persons present at the early morning wedding of the famous writer.
Charlotte Bronte’s husband assisted him in studies which gained him the post of Master of Wombwell National School.
In local government. Mr. Robinson took amazingly large part. Positions he had held were;
Clerk to the Local Board, Gasworks Manager, Waterworks Manager, Surveyor, Inspector. Clerk to the School Board, Assistant Overseer, Churchwarden. Parish Clerk (acting). Guardian, Urban Councillor. County . Councillor. Estate Agent. Architect.
A lot these jobs he did not want, but in his day apparently was the only man for them. He was responsible for the laying of the town’s sewers and for the waterworks, and he guided the development of the now thriving Dearne Valley townships.
He assisted largely in raising the money to build Wombwell Parish Church.
Mr. Robinson was present at the first wedding to be celebrated in Wombwell when the parish was cut away from Darfield. The incumbent found that there was no clerk, and the ubiquitous John Robinson was pressed into service