Home People Obituaries Obituary – Mr. Tom Rodwell – Wombwell Pitman Who Became Director

Obituary – Mr. Tom Rodwell – Wombwell Pitman Who Became Director

December 1957

South Yorkshire Times December 10, 1957


Mr. Tom Rodwell 
Wombwell Pitman Who Became Director

A man who spent the greater part off his early life in the mines and afterwards joined his son in a road haulage business which has carried the name of Wombwell, to every corner of the British Isles, died on Friday.

He was Mr. Tom Rodwell (86), of  297, Hough Lane. His health had been failing for the past 12 months but previously he was a man of astonishing vitality and mental alertness. He will be remembered for a long time as an outstanding Wombwell personality.

Mr. Rodwell was born at Ardsley, his father, Mr. Joseph Rodwell, working first at the Oaks Colliery and later at Manvers.

Mr Tom Rodwell was brought by his parents to the Wombwell district and on leaving school at an early age, he went to work at Darfield Main, where his uncle, Mr Tom Rodwell, was the first winding engineman. In 30 years he was employed underground at Cortonwood and in that capacity earned the friendship and admiration of Mr. S. A. Hall, for many years Yorkshire Miners’ President, which lasted as long as Mr. Rodwell lived. He was also employed for a time at Manners Main.

About 36 years ago Mr. Rodwelll left the mines to join the road  haulage business which had been established by his son, Mr. J. T. Rodwell, took an active interest in the practical side of the development of the concern, and ultimately became chairman of the directors of T. Rodwell and Son, Limited, Woodside Garage, Wombwell.

His wife, Mrs. Florence Rodwell, who died eight years ago, was also a director of the firm. Mr. J. T. Rodwell, who is directing head of the business, and his wife, Mrs. Elsie Rodwell, are directors of T Rodwell and Son, and Mr. . T Rodwell is also chairman of Rodwells Motors, Limited, of which his wife and son, Keith are directors.

Before moving to 297, Hough Lane in 1926, Mr. and Mrs. Rodwell lived at “Rycroft,” Hough Lane. Mr. Tom Rodwell was a “self-made” man of the best type—modest, industrious, hard-working and generous in his nature. Workmen and staff of the firm all had a great affection for him Ile was a member of Wombwell Congregational Church.

The interment took place at Wombwell Cemetery on Tuesday, following a service conducted by the Rev. It. Roimon, of West Melton, at Wombwell Congregational Church.

Funeral director was Mr.H.L. Guest, 21, Park Street. Wombwell. Phone 3200. The