Home People Accidents Missing Child’s Sad Fate at Wombwell

Missing Child’s Sad Fate at Wombwell

June 1906

Sheffield daily Telegraph June 16, 1906

Child’s Sad Fate at Wombwell

Mr D Whiteman held an enquiry yesterday touching the death of Esther White, aged nine years, daughter of Squire White, coal miner, Edward St, Wombwell whose body was taken from the canal on Wednesday last. The father of the deceased said his daughter left home on Saturday afternoon, about 3 o’clock, alone to buy some sweets.

Witness had made enquiry as to her whereabouts after she left home, but had not been able to learn anything.

When found, deceased had one of the sweets in her mouth, and the remainder in her pocket.

William D Lloyd, miner, of Darfield, spoke to recovering the body, which was floating near the water’s edge.

Dr BD Foley said he had examined the body, but found no marks of violence.

A verdict of “Found drowned” was returned