Home People Famous People Mark Jones Promised to be at Reception – Tomorrow’s Bride Told Brother Dead

Mark Jones Promised to be at Reception – Tomorrow’s Bride Told Brother Dead

February 1958

Newcastle Journal – Friday 07 February 1958

Mark Jones had Promised to be at Reception
Tomorrow’s Bride Told Brother is Dead

A 21-Year-old bride-to be was waiting anxiously at Wombwell, South Yorkshire, last night, for further news from Munich—and when it came, It was to tell her that her brother was one of the victims of the plans crash .

She is Miss Irene Jones, daughter of Mr. Amos Jonas, a colliery pump man, of Bird Avenue and sister of Manchester United’s centre-half, 24-year-old Mark Jones.

Irene is due to be married at Wombwell Parish Church tomorrow to Mr Geoff Neal of 14 Wentworth Street, Birdwell, Barnsley, and Mark had promised that after the match against the Wolves, at Manchester he would dash over to the wedding reception.

He had arranged to take his wife, formerly Miss June Conry, Wombwell, and their two-year-old son, Gary, to Wombwell by car today.

It was Marco insisted that Irene should wear for a wedding the bridal dress her mother saw her in before she died three months ago