Home Places Hawson Street Fatal Accident at Darfield Main Colliery

Fatal Accident at Darfield Main Colliery

October 1895

Sheffield Evening Telegraph October 8, 1895

The Fatal Accident at Darfield Main Colliery

Mr Whiteman held an inquest at the Prince of Wales Hotel, touching the death of Jonathan Peace, 29, miner who was killed at Darfield Main Colliery on Thursday.

Deceased had lived at Hawson St, Wombwell and his brother George, who lives at Bond Street, identified the body and said he worked in the pit, saw deceased there after he was killed. He did not think anyone was to blame for the accident.

Richard Smith, miner, said he was working with deceased clearing away a lot of dirt that the collieries in the next ship might get their work, and shortly before 5 o’clock in the morning they came a “bump,” and the roof came down upon deceased, bringing, sweet took an hour to get him out, when he was quite dead.

A deputy, Joseph Bailey, proved the place was properly propped, but the coal came off between two slips.

A verdict of “Accidentally killed by a fall” was returned.