Home People Accidents Bicycle Accident at Wombwell

Bicycle Accident at Wombwell

April 1889

Sheffield daily Telegraph April 20, 1889

Bicycle Accident at Wombwell

On Thursday evening a serious accident befell a young man named Godley, of New Wombwell, who now lives in a precarious state.

It appears that a young man, said to have come from Hoyland on a bicycle, was proceeding down Park Street, Wombwell, and when opposite the Travellers Rest Inn, the unfortunate lad, Godley attempted to cross over the road. Before he could do so he was knocked down, and the bicycle passed over him, the rider being thrown overhead several yards.

Fortunately he escaped unhurt, but Godley was in an unconscious state. The machinist, seeing this, instant went and picked the poor lad up, and he was taken into the house of Mr Battey, who resides close by.

When he recovered consciousness he was removed to his home at new Wombwell, where he still lives in a precarious state.

The lad is very unfortunate, as on Monday evening he fell into the Canal at new Wombwell and was only rescued in time from drowning by one of his sisters.