Home 1967 July 1967

July 1967

Brampton Parish Church Garden Party

July 1967
South Yorkshire Times July 1, 1967 Anne Emerson and Angela Crooke with a novelty bought on Saturday at Brampton Parish Church Garden Party.

Brampton Parish Church Garden Party

July 1967
South Yorkshire Times July 1, 1967 Brenda Adamson and Bridget Carl show friends the papier-mâché models they made for Brampton Parish Church Garden Party.

Weddings – Slade & Castle – Davies & Hague

July 1967
South Yorkshire Times July 1967 Miss Emma Slade, Wombwell and Mr Christopher Castle, South Elmsall, at Barnsley Road Church, Wombwell Miss Davies, Wombwell and Mr E Hague, Wentworth at Wombwell...

Wombwell Inner Wheel Club

July 1967
South Yorkshire Times July 8, 1967 Mrs D Betts outgoing president of Wombwell Inner Wheel club, hands over the badge of office on Monday to...

Wombwell Mothers’ Union “Strawberry tea”

July 1967
South Yorkshire Times July 8, 1967 Serving the Strawberries Helpers pictured on Monday at Wombwell Mothers’ Union “Strawberry tea” held at the rectory.

Park Street Methodist Church Sunday School

July 1967
South Yorkshire Times, July 15, 1967 Wombwell Park Street Methodist Church Sunday School scholars pose for a photograph before going on stage for their anniversary...

Brampton Ellis Secondary School Speech Day

July 1967
South Yorkshire Times, July 22, 1967 Prizewinners Maureen Hall, Anita Beck, Gillian Watson and Margaret Harding look at the awards at Brampton Ellis Secondary School...

Brampton Ellis Speech Day Principals

July 1967
South Yorkshire Times, July 22, 1967 Pictured at Brampton Ellis Secondary School Speech Day are Canon P. J. Lamb, M.A. (Principal of York Diocesan Training...