Home 1870 1953


Nursing Certificate.

April 1953
South Yorkshire Times, April 4, 1953 Nursing Certificate. Mrs Marian Sanderson (21). of 4 Melton Avenue, Brampton, has gained her S.R.C.N. State Registered Children’s Nurse )...

“Truth” The Winner

April 1953
South Yorkshire Times, April 18, 1953 “Truth” The Winner Don and Dearne Scouts chair of one of their members after the fight staged in the Sheffield...

Corton Wood Pit Fatality – Killed By Cage

April 1953
South Yorkshire Times, April 18, 1953 Corton Wood Pit Fatality Killed By Cage The Sheffield District Coroner, Mr A. P. Lockwood, recorded a verdict of ''Accidental'...

Collieries Record Yield

April 1953
South Yorkshire Times, April 18, 1953 Collieries Record Yield Wentworth Colliery, in the N'.C.B.'s No. 3 Area had a record output last week of 1,223. Their...

Kilnhurst’s Best Output

April 1953
South Yorkshire Times, April 4, 1953 Kilnhurst's Best Output Kilnhurst Colliery's output last week was their highest since vesting day. Area No. 3 output totalled 151,857 tons,...

Association of Building Trades Employees

April 1953
South Yorkshire Times, April 4, 1953 A Cheque For £100 to help the National Flood Relief Fund is presented to Coun. W. Tart, J.P. (Chairman...

Methodist Circuit Rally

April 1953
South Yorkshire Times, April 3rd, 1953 Methodist Circuit Rally A few of the leaders take time off for tea at Saturday's Methodist Circuit Rally at Wombwell....

South Yorkshire Group Trial

April 1953
South Yorkshire Times, April 4, 1953 South Yorkshire Group Trial Tuning and checking up at the start of Sunday's South Yorkshire Group Trial, organised by Mexborough...

Tail Piece – April 3rd, 1953

April 1953
South Yorkshire Times, April 3rd, 1953 Tail Piece "Now could you have done that?,' said Delane the editor of "The Times" to the Prime Minister, Lord...

Tailpiece – Two Rolls Royce

April 1953
South Yorkshire Times, April 11th 1953 Tailpiece The professional man who had, at some sacrifice, sent his boy to a public school, was told by the...