Home 1939 April 1939

April 1939

Labour Triumph

April 1939
South Yorkshire Times, April 7th, 1939. The surprising conquest of Labour at the poll at Wombwell is being attributed largely to sound general ship on...

Church Bazaar

April 1939
South Yorkshire Times, April 7th, 1939. A group photograph last Thursday at the opening of Wombwell Congregational Church bazaar. The opener, Mrs J Jones is...

Small Entry At Wombwell- Reflection On Movement

April 1939
South Yorkshire Times, April 28th, 1939. Winners at the South Yorkshire club union choral contest at Wombwell reform club on Saturday. In the centre is...

Arts And Crafts – Wombwell Evening Institute Work, Impressive Display

April 1939
South Yorkshire Times April 21, 1939. A standard of skill amazing to the casual visitor was revealed this week in an exhibition of work in...


April 1939
Showings in Cinema week commencing May 1st. Clips linked below.

St Mary’s Players Initial Production

April 1939
South Yorkshire Times, April 21st 1939. Pictures of the Wombwell St Mary's Players initial production, which was successfully presented on three nights last week.

In Her 91st Year

April 1939
South Yorkshire Times, April 28th, 1939. Mrs Lucy H. Tate, of Wombwell. Wombwell lost one of its oldest resident by the death on Monday of Mrs...

Saw Body In Water.

April 1939
Robert Parker, a stable boy of 26, Pontefract Road, Broomhill, said he was walking along the canal bank at Brampton on Saturday, when, looking...