May 1937
Wombwell’s Oldest Inhabitant
Mexborough and Swinton Times May 28, 1937
Born in 1843, Mr Joseph Taylor of 42, Pearson Field, Wombwell, is still going strong.
Wombwell’s oldest inhabitant turned...
Wright’s Amusements
Mexborough and Swinton Times May 28, 1937
A boyhood dream of Mr Sidney Wright, the 22 year old son of Mr and Mrs Joe Wright,...
Wombwell Catholic’s Homage
Leeds Mercury May 10, 1937
Wombwell Catholic's Homage
Large crowds assembled in the streets of Wombwell last night to witness the annual act of homage and...
Fall Down Shaft
Mexborough and Swinton Times May 28, 1937
Fall Down Shaft
A verdict that he “killed himself in a fit of depression” was returned on John William...