January 1934
Work-Sharing – Spreading In Local Collieries
South Yorkshire Times, January 5th, 1934
Spreading In Local Collieries
Colliery owners and miners in this district favour the sharing out of work. Schemes inaugurated within...
Rural Crafts Hedge – Laying & Trimming – A Decaying Art
South Yorkshire Times, January 26th, 1934
Rural Crafts
Hedge-Laying & Trimming
A Decaying Art
Nothing is more agreeable in the eye of a countryman than a well-trimmed hedge,...
Marconigrams – Januaey 05th, 1934
South Yorkshire Times, January 5th 1934
The “Royal Scot” will be on exhibition in Sheffield on January 19th.
“Influenza is abroad” says a writer. Let us...
Marconigrams – January 19th, 1934
South Yorkshire Times, January 19th, 1934
A Chamber of Trade has been formed at Goldthorpe.
The Houghton Main Colliery Company have re-opened their Parkgate seam, closed...
Drank Ammonia – Wombwell Man’s Sudden Impulse – Coroner’s Advice
South Yorkshire Times, January 19th, 1934
Drank Ammonia
Wombwell Man’s Sudden Impulse
Coroner’s Advice
“I hope that anyone else finding a person in similar circumstances will send for...
Canal Fishing – Wombwell & Mexborough – Miners’ Sport Reviving
The Times, January 19th, 1934
Canal Fishing
New Stock for Wombwell, Stairfoot and Mexborough
Sheffield Association's Aid
A Miners' Sport Reviving
With monumental patience six or seven anglers stood...
Nelson League – Broomhill 2 Park Hill 3
South Yorkshire Times, January 12, 1934
Nelson League
Broomhill 2 Park Hill 3
Charlie Allen played a big part in Park Hill's great victory last week end...
Passing of Wombwell Football Club
South Yorkshire Times, January 26th, 1934
Passing of Wombwell Football Club
The passing of the Wombwell Football Club which, according to a decision taken by the...