South Yorkshire Times, April 11th, 1970
First entrant in the Yorkshire Coal Queen contest, to be judged at the miners’ demonstration at Pontefract on June 13th, is Mrs. Patricia Faulkner (21), wife of Mr. Brian Faulkner, of Blythe Street, Wombwell. With a string of beauty competition wins to her credit Patricia should be a hot favourite for the title.
A clerk/receptionist at a Wombwell television shop, Patricia qualifies to enter the competition because her husband works as a surveyor’s linesman at Cortonwood Colliery and her father, Mr. Arthur Liptrott, also of Blythe Street, also works at Cortonwood Colliery.
The Coal Queen competition is a £3,000 treasure trail – worth getting in trim for. Because she says the winter has put a few extra inches on her figure, Pat is now attending weekly keep-fit classes.