Home People Celebrations Worthy Old Wombwell Couple – Golden Wedding

Worthy Old Wombwell Couple – Golden Wedding

December 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 26 December 1942

A worthy old Wombwell couple, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper, of 107, Blythe Street, celebrate their Golden Wedding this Christmas.

they were married at the Wesleyan Chapel. Park Street, Wombwell, on December 27th, 1892, by the Rev. Joseph Bacon with Mr. William Walker as registrar.

Mr. Cooper is a native of Dudley, Worcestershire. and came to Wombwell as a young man to work at Darfield Main in the year of the Queen’s Jubilee (1887). He worked the bulk of his mining life at Mitchell Main, giving up work about 17 years ago on account of eye trouble. He is now 75.

In the meantime the couple had established a general business in Park Street, Wombwell, which they kept for about ten years. For years Mr. Cooper went round with a horse and cart and was known by most people as “The Penny Man.’ He has always been fond of gardening and is now able to devote more time to the hobby.

Mrs. Cooper was born in Alma Street, Wombwell, a daughter of Mr. Henry Walker who was checkweighman at the old Lundhill Colliery. Her brother, Mr. Alfred Walker, is secretary of Wombwell Reform Club. The couple have one son and one daughter, Mr. John Henry Cooper, of Greengates, Bradford, and Mrs. Hitchen, of High Street, Wombwell. Their grandson, Charles Henry Cooper is a sergeant in the Army. They have also one great-grandchild.

Mr. and Mrs. Cooper recall that their wedding took place during a “white Christmas,. ‘ the snow crunching under their feet as they walked to church. They have seen many changes in Wombwell.

They will celebrate modestly as befits the times and their means, their daughter making a little party for them. Both enjoy fairly good health. When a “Times” reporter promised he would come again at their Diamond Wedding, Mr. Cooper who enjoys life despite a troublesome cough, remarked, “And I hope tha has to, lad.”