Home Industry and Commerce Town Council Wombwell’s New Era.

Wombwell’s New Era.

April 1919

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Friday 11 April 1919

Wombwell’s New Era.

At the monthly meeting of the Wombwell Council, Councillor A. E. Allott, in relinquishing the chair, which had filled for the past five years, indicated the direction in which he was anxious that Wombwell should proceed during the new era which is opening for public authorities.

First of all, he said, he was anxious that the housing scheme should be pushed forward with all speed; secondly, he should like to see a public abattoir established in the town. He also desired to see the town with its own destructor, and last, but not least, he would like to see the town extending its boundaries and going for a charter of incorporation, that they could have full control and supervision of their own police, education, etc.

Referring to the Council’s activities during the war, he said many of them had had undertake work which was not to their taste, and certainly not popular in the eyes of certain of the public.

Councillor Allott was accorded a hearty vote thanks by the Council, and one member suggested that his name should go forward for appointment as a county magistrate.

Councillor , Dyer, behalf the Council, presented the Military Medal to Pte. R. Edge, Prospect Terrace, Wombwell.