Home Industry and Commerce Town Council Wombwell’s Memorial and Wombwell Baths

Wombwell’s Memorial and Wombwell Baths

November 1919

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Friday 14 November 1919

Wombwell’s Memorial. 

After much controversy it has now been definitely decided that a stone memorial shall be erected on a site at the east end of the Parish Church, Wombwell to the memory of the Wombwell men who fell in the war.

It is estimated that the cost of the memorial will not exceed  £500.

It has also been decided to play some permanent record in the Wombwell Town Hall, names of all men of the Wombwell district who served in the war.

Improving Wombwell Baths

The Council proposes to construct a new filtration plant at the public baths and the Ministry Health has given its consent to the borrowing by the Council of £1,225 for that purpose.