Home Industry and Commerce Town Council Wombwell’s Health.

Wombwell’s Health.

August 1919

Barnsley Independent – Saturday 16 August 1919

Wombwell’s Health.

The Medical Officer for Wombwell (Dr. G. E. Atkin.) reports that for the fine weeks ending July 26th there were 15 deaths, equal to a death rate of 8.4 per 1,000 per annum, and 55 births, with a birth-rate of 31 per 1000 per annum.

Measles had been the most outstanding of the Infectious diseases prevalent during that period, there being 28 cases, practically all in the Hemingfield Ward, with four deaths. The epidemic was now dying down, only two cases, being reported last week.

There were also notified one case of scarlet fever which was sent to hospital, one ease of diphtheria which was effectively isolated at home, six eases of cryslpolar (?), and eight of pneumonia.

Tuberculosis was responsible for four notifications, two pulmonary and two non-pulmonary.

There were eight admissions to sanatorium and one patient was discharged. Two cases of malaria and one of dysentery, all in invalided soldiers, were reported, and two rather severe cases of  ophthalmia neonatorum were notified.