Home Places Streets and Communities Wombwell War Memorial Scheme

Wombwell War Memorial Scheme

December 1921

Mexborough and Swinton Times December 3, 1921

The War Memorial

The Wombwell War Memorial scheme, which many people are not unnaturally anxious to see developed with all possible speed, was again discussed at a meeting of the Committee held on Monday. The site of the memorial has already been cho6en. It is to be erected in the precincts of the Parish Church, facing High Street.

It will be recalled that some months ago the Committee had under consideration the question of providing a suitable base and a sort of terraced approach, and with that object in view a further, special appeal was made for financial support. Probably on account of the prevailing distress this appeal was not entirely successful, but the Committee have decided to proceed with the work in the hope that the sight of the memorial may inspire those with the capacity for giving to a greater measure of – shall we say—generosity.

The memorial, which is in the hands of Messrs. Steele and Co. monumental sculptors. Cemetery Road, Wombwell, will therefore be erected without further delay. The public have been inclined to blame the Committee,’ for lack of promptness in the execution of the task for which they were appointed, but when a financial statement is prepared it, will probably be found that there was elementary wisdom in waiting for a fall in prices.

That may appear a pecuniary view, but assuming that the whole fund will be expended, every penny saved means a corresponding help in the fitting adornment of the memorial.

Mr. A. E. Allott presided over the meeting on Monday.