Home Industry and Commerce Town Council Wombwell Unemployed Workers’ Committee Secretary

Wombwell Unemployed Workers’ Committee Secretary

November 1929

Mexborough and Swinton Times November 1, 1929

Wombwell Unemployed Workers’ Committee Secretary

Mr. Wilfred A. Parkin, of Mellor Road, Wombwell, is secretary of the Wombwell branch of the Unemployed Workers’ Committee Movement, and in that capacity has lately been prominent on an agitation in favour of accommodation being provided for the unemployed in the district.

Recently he has addressed numerous meetings in the Wombwell Market Place. Mr. Parkin has been in the public eye at Wombwell for a quarter of a century at least and the community has known him in many guises.

For many years he appeared in public as a conjurer and his services were in great demand at public functions. A provocative speaker, he has always been associated with the extreme left wing in polities.

Contesting the South West Ward in the local municipal elections this year he polled over 300 votes.

His election expenses amounted to 5s. 6d.