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Wombwell Parish Church Sale of Work

September 1939

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 30 September 1939

Wombwell Parish Church Sale of Work

A queue of customers at the Wombwell Church sale of work on Monday

A worthy attempt by the workers of Wombwell Parish Church to overcome war difficulties was made at the National Schools, Wombwell, on Monday in the form of a sale of work. The effort took the place of a two-days bazaar planned for October and subsequently abandoned on account of the crlsis.

In anticipation of the bazaar an overdraft of something like £200 has been incurred. This arose through the spending of £108 on the redecoration of the church and £160 in the reorganisation of the electric lighting system.

The church has thus been faced with a financial problem calling for generous effort on the part of all concerned.

Outlining the position at the sale of work on Monday, the Rector, Canon J. St. Leger Blakeney said it was hoped that the bazaar would leave them with a satisfactory working balance. He hoped that in the circumstances all would support the effort as generously as was consistent with their own urgent needs. The Rector also mentioned that a sum of £130 had already been taken on the sale on the sale of thrift tickets, and it was chiefly for the benefit of these people that they had decided to have a sale of work. They hoped to raise at least £200

The sale of work was staged in the larger of the two rooms at the National Schools the other being reserved as a refreshment room. Owing to lighting restrictions an early opening was arranged and the effort was terminated by nightfall.  Valuable assistance was given by Miss D. Elliott, and her company of Rangers who had provided a drapery stall.      The Wombwell Parish Church Girl Guides had a stall of needlework, toys and baby linen.

The Stalls

The stalls were as follows: Rectory Bible Class; (fancy goods and needlework) Miss Hodgson, Miss J. Saville, Miss M. Smith. Miss E. Chapman, Miss Joan Flint and Miss A. Brown; Wombwell Rangers (perfume and fancy drapery), Captain Miss D. Elliott and Rangers Miss D. Pepper, Miss a Walton, Miss L. Braybrook and Miss M. Taylor; Girl Guides (needlework, toys and baby linen), Captain Miss S. Blakeney, lieuts Miss C. G. Shipley and Miss E. Scott Guides Misses Minnie Kendall, Kathleen Leather, Enid Lambert, Mabel Wardell, Nancy Utting. Jean Fowler, Margaret Millington and Sheila Lincoln; Mothers Union stall (drapery), Mrs. Lowcock Mrs. Upton, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Moorhouse. Mrs. Senior, Mrs. Luty, Mrs. Crofts, Mrs. Swift, Mrs. Snell, Mrs. Lambert, and Mrs. R. Camplejohn; Miscellaneous stall, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Blakeney and Mrs. Pickup; Jump stall (“White elephant” and cosmetics), the Rev. S. E. Tuffs and Mrs. Tuffs; Refreshments, Mrs Baker, Mrs. Brooke, Mrs. Brookes, Mrs. Ramsden, Mrs. Mews, Mrs. Tingle, Mrs. Washington, Mrs. Corton and Miss D. Moorhouse

Girl Guides also assisted at the stalls and acted as messengers. Messrs. Moorhouse and Mann were the doorkeepers.

Accompaniment was provided by a large scale musical box provided by the Rev. S. E. Tuffs.