Home Places Schools Wombwell Middle School – Interesting Day for Parents.

Wombwell Middle School – Interesting Day for Parents.

September 1929

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 6 September 1929

Wombwell Middle School

Interesting Day for Parents.

Parents of scholars attending the Middle School at Wombwell had an opportunity of seeing their children at their work in the school yesterday afternoon when, following the custom adopted in similar schools throughout the West Riding, the school thrown open for inspection between the hours of two and four p.m.

The school was opened in April, and provides a four-year course for 260 children between the ages of 11 and 16 years. But at Present the 210 scholars in attendance are none of them over the age of 14.

Good progress has been made under the direction of Mr. T. Mayhew, headmaster, and Miss H. Maddison, headmistress, with their staff, all of whom are specialists.

Yesterday afternoon’s proceedings were quite informal. The usual time table was carried out in the classes, and the parents were free to wander at will from room is room. A good many of them spent a good ‘deal of time deeply interested in the work in the metal work, woodwork, needlework. and similar rooms, and the laboratory; while others rubbed up their arithmetic, geography, history, and so on, in company with their offspring.

Tea was served in the hall, prepared by the girls, and the number of visitors who took advantage of the hospitality was a tribute to the housecraft of the girls in this particular.

Visitors were struck by the excellent discipline and the number of modern appointments in the school. The school is one of the finest in the district, and children fortunate enough to receive their education there should gain considerably from the environment alone.