South Yorkshire Times July 30, 1949
Wombwell Man at Palace
Mr Walter H. Lee, (31), of 23 Tune Street, Wombwell, who attended Buckingham Palace palace on Tuesday to be invested with the Edward Medal will never forget the date when he received this high honour. It happened to be the seventh birthday of the oldest of his three children, Gloria. Moreover, he will never forget the date on which his valour earned him this distinction because it was on Armistice Day (November 11th) last.
The investiture related to an accident at Wombwell Main Colliery in which three men lost their lives, being buried by a fall of roof. In the rescue efforts, Lee, a member of the Colliery rescue team, showed an utter disregard of personal risk. With him to the investiture went his wife, Mrs. Elsie Lee, who left her children with her parents, Mr and Mrs Samuel Charlesworth of 12, Stubbs Road, Wombwell.
At the same investiture, an Edward Medal, posthumously awarded to the deputy, George Dorling, of Hunningly Lane Stairfoot, was handed to his widow, who was accompanied by their 11-years-old daughter. There have been other awards In connection with this accident.
On returning from on yesterday’, Mrs. Lee said she had had the most thrilling experience of her life. At the actual moment of investiture she was only three or four yards from the King and could hear His Majesty talking to her husband. The King seemed to show a genuine interest in the episode, asked her husband about the accident, how many had lost their lives, and how long he had been employed In the mines. She said the King was bronzed and looked very well. “A very good looking man I call him.”
She said Mr Frank Collindridge M.P. for Barnsley and a Comptroller of the King’s Household, was present at the same morning, and later showed them over the House of Common, where they had lunch.