Home Industry and Commerce Town Council Wombwell Houses Medical Officer’s Reply to Criticism.

Wombwell Houses Medical Officer’s Reply to Criticism.

September 1927

Sheffield Independent – Friday 16 September 1927

Wombwell Houses Medical Officer’s Reply to Criticism.

The statement made Council meeting, on Tuesday, that the housing conditions in Wombwell are a disgrace to the 20 century is not relished by officials of the Public Health Department on the Wombwell Urban Committee. .

“We have in Wombwell”, Dr. J. H. Pickup. Medical Officer of health, said in an interview, yesterday, “a population of 21,000 and about 4,200 occupied houses. As a matter-of fact there are only 30 back-to-hack houses in the whole town. They are in one of the old districts, and were built years and years before the present Administration took over. It is our intention to eliminate all the worst type of houses as soon as practicable.

“But it all takes time. First of all we must have other houses for people to go to. The proportion of back-to-back houses for the population in Wombwell is lower than any other township I know of. “As the housing shortage is solved these will gradually done away with. We think we are justified in in claiming that the general standard of housing conditions in Wombwell is exceptionally high, which fact is frequently commented upon by people visiting the town. Also the general cleanliness of the streets is something we are proud of.

“Public health figures show that are comparatively well off as regards sanitation and such matters. There the facts, and I hope the statement made at the Council meeting on Tuesday night will not create wrong impression.”