Home Industry and Commerce Town Council Wombwell Houses – Condemnation of Back To-Back Type.

Wombwell Houses – Condemnation of Back To-Back Type.

September 1927

Sheffield Independent – Thursday 15 September 1927

Wombwell Houses
Condemnation of Back To-Back Type.

A condemnation of houses of the back to-back type marked a discussion on the question of local housing conditions at the meeting of the Wombwell Urban District Council.

The discussion arose through a report that within the next few days the Council’s housing schemes would be completed.

Councillor J. Pascoe asked how many applications for houses were still outstanding.

The Chairman (Mr J Belshaw) replied that when last the invited applications for houses they received 300. Of that number 118 had since obtained houses, leaving 182 still to supplied. Mr. T.Newsome deplored the fact that there were many back-to-back houses, and declared that houses of this type should not be tolerated.

“Within close proximity to this Town Hall, he said, “there are houses that are a disgrace to the 20th century. Sooner or Inter we shall have to tackle this problem and the sooner the better.”

The chairman said they had appointed a sub-committee to consider the question of new sites for houses, but owing to the uncertainty of the position in regard to the subsidy the committee had not functioned.

They expected that by the end of the month the Ministry would have made some definite pronouncement on the subject. The Committee would then get to work at once.

Mr. J. Pearce said it was obvious that they had not met the full need for houses in the district.

Altogether the Wombwell Urban District Council have erected 521 houses, 454 on the King’s road site, Wombwell, and the remainder at Hemingfield.