Home People Celebrations Wombwell Golden Wedding

Wombwell Golden Wedding

June 1917

Mexborough and Swinton Times June 9, 1917

Wombwell Golden Wedding
Mr and Mrs George James

Mr and Mrs George James of 26 Kelvin Grove, Wombwell, have just celebrated their Golden wedding. They were married at Darfield church in 1867, and lived in Wombwell the greater part of their lives.

Mr James, who is a miner, began to work at the age of nine, and settled in Wombwell when he was 16. He worked at the Lundhill colliery until it was closed, and has worked at Wombwell Main ever since.

Mr and Mrs James have had five children, of whom four sons survive, and 21 grandchildren, and these were all present at the golden wedding celebrations, which were held at the Junction Inn, Wombwell, which is kept by Mr George James.

The old people received from their family a handsome eiderdown quilt to mark the occasion.