South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 31 October 1942
Manager Assaulted
Wombwell Dance Hall Scene
A scene at the Futurist Dance Hall, Wombwell, was described at Barnsley West Riding Police Court on Friday, when Rowland Battye (22), miner, of 116, Everillgate Lane, Broomhill, was summoned for assaulting Albert Leak., dance hall manager, of 6, Gower Street, Wombwell. Bettye also summoned Leake for assault.
Prosecuting on behalf of Leaks. Mr. D. P. McKenzie said that late on October 10th Battye went to the Futurist Dance Hall. He was drunk and demanded admission despite the fact that the place was full. He also insisted on going in at half price. Leake advised him not to throw his money away as the dance would finish in twenty minutes. Batty, then struck Leake full in the face and burst his nose.
Mr. A. Brown, who appeared for Battye, said his client said to Leake that 1s. 6d. was pretty stiff for 20 minutes’ dancing, and Leake then replied: “You can take It or leave it whether it is stiff or not.” He added: “I am not afraid of you. I’ll kick you away if you don’t go.” Mr. Brown added that Leake proceeded to carry out this threat literally, and that being so, Bettye was justified In striking him In self-defence.
Battye said Leake had aimed several kicks at him before he struck him.
Mr. McKenzie: This is not the first time there has been trouble between you it? – There has been trouble.
Mr. McKenzie: Serious trouble? – I don’t know.
The Bench dismissed the summons against Leake, and fined Batty. 10s. He was also bound over for twelve months.