Home Industry and Commerce Town Council Wombwell Council’s Choice – Coun. J. A. Hall Again Chairman

Wombwell Council’s Choice – Coun. J. A. Hall Again Chairman

April 1942

South Yorkshire Times, April 25, 1942

Coun. J. A. Hall Again Chairman

Wombwell Council’s Choice

At the annual meeting of Wombwell U.D.C. on Tuesday, Coun. J. A. Hall, J.P., President of the Yorkshire Mineworkers’ Association, was elected Chairman for the fourth successive year. Mrs. E. Mellor was re-elected Vice-Chairman.

Moving the Chairman’s re-election Coun. II. Haworth, J,P., said that under present conditions there was a feeling that it was best to remain as they were, adding “without any further comment on his abilities, Influence and other qualifications, I move Coun. Hall be re-elected.”

Coun. H. Copeland seconded the motion, which was unanimously agreed upon.

Thanking the members, Coun. Hall said it was always a pleasure to do anything for Wombwell. “I cannot prophesy what the end of the year will bring,” he said, “but I think we have one of the most serious years to face. I do hope, however, that before the end of the year there will be peace, with prosperity to follow.”

Coun. Hall moved that Mrs. Mellor be re-elected Vice-Chairman. One would feel that such a duty placed on a woman in this time of stress would he burdensome, but Mrs. Mellor enjoyed doing things for the town, and that made him confident in moving her re-election.

Coun, T. Bird seconded and the motion was agreed upon.

Coun. Mrs. E. Mellor thanked the members, and said she would endeavour to carry out her duties in the coming year as she had done in the past.

All the committees were re-elected en bloc.

Following the conclusion of the business, Coun. Hall said that in view of the yeoman service rendered to the township and the general Public by Coun. H. Copeland and Coun. R. T. Preston, he suggested they be recommended by the Council as resident Justices of the Peace.

This was agreed to.

Coun, T. Bradley then referred to the fact that Coun. Preston had completed 21 years’ service as a member of the Council. He thought Coun. Preston should be complimented on completing so many years’ service.

The Chairman said he hoped Coun. Preston would have the opportunity of completing another 21 years’ service, and he was sure all members if that Council wished him long life, happiness and prosperity.