Home People Residents Wombwell Boy Has The Job He Always Wanted-Apprentice Jockey

Wombwell Boy Has The Job He Always Wanted-Apprentice Jockey

August 1960

South Yorkshire Times August 13, 1960

Wombwell Boy Has The Job He Always Wanted-Apprentice Jockey

A Wombwell boy who is realising his life’s ambition is Peter Drabble, 17 ½ -years-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drabble, of 40, Goodyear Crescent. Peter is an apprentice jockey attached to the stable of Mr. Ernie Davey of Malton, Yorkshire to whom he is indentured until he is 21

Peter attended Barnsley Grammar School on a scholarship gained at King’s Road Council School, Wombwell, but never had any great fancy for an academic career. He showed early on that his “life” was horses, and spent every moment he could among them.

For the calling of his choice his physique was also appropriate as he still stands short of five feet and weighs only five stones. Indeed, most of his friends and acquaintances know him not as Peter but as “Tiny.” Into that frame he packs plenty of courage.

Four Mounts

He joined Mr. Davey’s outfit straight from school. He has not yet ridden a winner, or even been placed, but has had four mounts—Habra at Thirsk, Scotch Base and Vim at Hamilton Park, and Golden Assistant at Catterick three weeks ago. His parents and his nine-years-old brother Brian, who visit him frequently, find him very happy in his work.

Before leaving Wombwell Peter was a prominent member of Hough Lane Methodist Church and Youth Club. He played tennis, was fond of swimming, and frequently had a game of bowls in Wombwell Park, He hopes some day to be prominent in the country’s list of Jockeys.