Home Courts and Crime Domestic Wife’s Complaint – Order Against Wombwell Man.

Wife’s Complaint – Order Against Wombwell Man.

November 1929

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 01 November 1929

Wife’s Complaint.

Order Against Wombwell Man.

Miriam Stringer, of 17i, St. Leonard’s Place, Wombwell, told the magistrates at Barnsley on Wednesday that during the five years of her married life her husband had bought her not a single article of clothing with the exception of a pair of boots.

She made an application for an order on the ground of neglect.

Mr. J. Halmshaw, for the applicant, said the parties were married in June 1924, and for the first months they lived with the wife’s mother. The most the defendant had ever given wife in one week was 30 shillings.

Whenever he gave his wile anything substantial he cut it down the following week to about 10s. There were three children, when the third child was born no provision was made, and there was no food in the house. Mr. Halmshaw said the wife’s mother had kept almost entirely the applicant end her children, the defendant making no serious attempt to maintain them. As a result of the treatment the wife’s health had been seriously impaired.

Defendant had been earning 8/5 a day and working fairly regularly at Cortonwood. His average earnings were £2 12s 6d. a week. The rent of the house was 9/2 a week, and as the defendant had not made any attempt to pay it the arrears were considerable.

Nora Helliwell, 36, High Street. West Melton, said she was a neighbour of the Stringers when their third baby warn born. No provision was made for the baby and there was no food in the house.

Complainant: he has never given me a right wage; only sufficient to last the weekend. Then we have had to go to his mother.

Defendant said the reason he had not given his wife money was because she did not know how to spend it.

Mr. Halmshaw: She has never had the chance.

An order was made for the payment of 20s week.