Home People Weddings Wedding – Potter & Morehead

Wedding – Potter & Morehead

June 1941

Mexborough and Swinton Times June 28, 1941

Mr J Morehead (Wombwell) and Miss D Potter (Wombwell)

At Park Street Methodist Church, on Saturday, Miss Doris Potter, daughter of Mrs. T. Broadbent, of 162. Broomhill, Wombwell and the late Mr. William Potter, was married to Mr. James Morehead second son of Mr. James Morehead, of 83, Elliott’s Terrace, Wombwell and the late Mrs. Morehead.

The service was conducted by the Rev. F. W. Hutchinson and the bride’s step.father, Mr. T. Broadbent, was at the organ. The bride was given away by her brother, P.C.Potter of Castleford. She wore a period gown of white satin, the embroidered veil forming a train, and a coronet of orange blossom. Her bouquet was of red carnations.

Bridesmaids were Miss Ivy Broadbent, stepsister of the bride and Miss Ivy Rose, niece of the bridegroom. They were in dresses of pink taffeta with puff sleeves and had shoulder veils and halos of pink net. Their bouquets were of white carnations.

The bride’s mother wore a gown of rust coloured marocain. Best man was Mr Thomas Morehead, and groomsman was Mr Frank Womersley.

A large company gathered at the reception at the Methodist Schools, Broomhill