Home People Weddings Wedding – Middlebrook & Robinson

Wedding – Middlebrook & Robinson

August 1951

South Yorkshire Times, August 25th, 1951

Goldthorpe and Wombwell Couple

In Salvation army uniform, with two bridesmaids in uniform, Miss Kathleen Middlebrook, younger daughter of late Mr. and Mrs. T. Middlebrook, late of Sheffield was married to Mr. George Robinson, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Robinson, 19, Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, at the Salvation Army Citadel, Wombwell, on Saturday. The bride has been living with her sister Mrs. Peggy Theaker, 69, Wood Walk Wombwell.

Both bride and bridegroom are prominently connected with Wombwell Corps of the Salvation Army. The bridegroom who is trombonist in the Salvation Army band, has been a member all his life and the bride has been in the Corps for 12 years.

The wedding service was conducted by Senior Captain W. E. Evans, Mr. H. Mount, uncle of the bride, was at the organ. The bride carried a bouquet of cream roses and was attended by Miss. Rita Beard, Mrs. H. Wellburn, Mrs. Carole Heavers, Patricia Pemberton and Lynne Theaker.  Miss Beard and Mrs. Wellburn were in uniform while Carole and Patricia were in navy pleated skirts with white blouses.  Lynne wore a white dress. The bridesmaids carried bouquets of pink carnations or posies.

Best man was Mr. H. Wood, cousin of the bride, and groomsmen were Messrs. D. Robinson and Mr. H. Robertshaw junior.

A reception was held at the Salvation Army Citadel, Wombwell, after which the couple left for their honeymoon at Penrith, Cumberland.  The bride travelled in a cherry red coat over a turquoise two piece with brown accessories.

The bride has been employed at Hemingfield branch of the B.B.C.S.   Mr. Robinson is a Junior Technician with the R.A.F. He has served five years of an eight-year contract. He is a bandsman with the R.A.F.