Home Industry and Commerce Mining Two Get 101 Tons

Two Get 101 Tons

November 1951

South Yorkshire Times, November 24th, 1951

Two Get 101 Tons

Commended to Mr. J. A. Hall, Yorkshire Miners President, when he opened the pit head baths at Dearne Valley Colliery on Saturday were two men who in one week at a pit had produced 101 tons 13 cwts. of coal. They were Irving Carr (45), 26, Park Street, Wombwell and Lesley Ivill (28) of 5, Brampton Road, Wombwell. Carr is married and has two grown-up children. Ivill is married and has no children. The facts were disclosed by the Manager, Mr. John Worthington.

The men were working on a seven feet long face in the 5ft 3ins Shafton seam and had to fill and tram their coal some 75 yards to the level where it was picked up by pony haulage. The empties had to be pushed back uphill. The coal was entirely hand-got, except that during the week they used 20 shots. This may be the record for the hand-got method.

Mr. Carr who has worked at Dearne Valley Colliery eight years, going to that pit when he was discharged from the R.A.F. for industrial work.  Prior to that he had worked for several years in the insurance business. Mr. Ivill is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ivill of 1, Brampton Rad. He has worked at Dearne Valley Colliery since he left school at 14 but up to 12 months ago, he was on haulage.  He went through a course of training to qualify for face work.  The two men who are “pals” as well as work-mates are strong and muscular but by no means Bruce Woodcock’s.

Of Ivill, Carr said “He is a splendid worker and we have a good understanding; he never fails to pull his weight.” Carr has not lost a shift since Whitsuntide this year.  Ivill returned to work on Monday after being off three days with influenza – his first illness.