Home Courts and Crime Theft Thief Who Sampled the Hotel Wine

Thief Who Sampled the Hotel Wine

September 1918

Yorkshire Evening Post – Saturday 21 September 1918

Thief Who Sampled the Hotel Wine

George Hague was charged at Doncaster, today, with house-breaking and stealing money at Bolton-on-Dearne.

Prisoner was alleged to have broken into the Crossed Daggers Hotel, at Bolton, between the night of the 11th and 12th of September, and have stolen of claret and 30s. in money from tho cashdrawer.

The hotel is kept by Frederick Beaumont, who stated that he locked it up safely, but found an entry had been forced, and the contents of a hospital collecting box stolen.

Half a bottle of claret had been consumed and full bottle of champagne had been fetched from the cellar.

When arrested at Wombwell at 2 o’clock on Sunday morning, for an attempted burglary at the Prince of Wales Hotel, prisoner had some cigars in his possession which he admitted had taken from the hotel.

He was committed for trial the Quarter Sessions.