Mexborough & Swinton Times, June 23, 1939
They Want to Marry – And Court Gives Consent
Wilfred Booth, miner, 175, Hough Lane, Wombwell, and his wife, Bessie Booth, appeared at Barnsley West Riding Court on Monday in a case in which their son, Colin Booth (19), sought permission to marry Vera Countee (20), of 173, Hough Lane,Wombwell.
The Chairman (Mr. W. Humphries) appealed to the parents to withdraw their opposition, saying, “Give them your blessing instead of setting them out in life feeling they are apart from you.” The father said he would leave the decision with the court. The girl sat in court during the hearing but was not called.
Applicant said he had approached his parents but they had declined consent. His earnings averaged 51s. a week of allowing for stoppages, and they had a home to go to. He had prospects of even better wages.
The Acting Clerk (to the parents): Have you any questions to ask?
The Father: It’s no use. I am only appearing under the Infants’ Act. If he had been twenty-one we would have given consent. He is only a child. I cannot accept responsibility for him if he goes away from me.
The Chairman: Why are you objecting to your son marrying the girl?—He is not old enough to know his own mind; that is my opinion.
Clerk’s Advice
Observing that the applicant looked ” a smart boy for nineteen,” the Chairman said they admired his candour. To the parents he said, “I would advise you to withdraw your objection if it is only that he is not old enough. Many boys get married at nineteen and don’t make had men. If I am any judge this boy will make a man that you and his mother will he proud of. Looking at him I should say he is a boy of sterling character.”
Mrs. Booth said she could only say the applicant was too young. She had no objection to the girl.
A magistrate: Would it not be better if you helped them and tried to encourage them. You would probably not regret it afterwards.
The Chairman: “He is getting more than twice as much in wages as I got when we were married. We went along all right and never called on my people or my wife’s people for anything. I have worked and I am satisfied that a boy with 50s. a week has got enough income. If the girl knows how to spend money I think they will get on very well. My children are married and I know what the position is.” The Chairman again appealed to the parents, and the father said, ” The decision is in your hands, sir.”
The Chairman: Yea, I know, but we want you to help us. Go to church with them and give the marriage your blessing.
Permission was granted.