Home Industry and Commerce Town Council The Smallpox Case at Wombwell

The Smallpox Case at Wombwell

September 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 30 September 1892

Wombwell Local Board

The Smallpox Case at Wombwell

Replying to a question, the Clerk explained the circumstances respecting the recent smallpox case. It was brought by some people who travel from place to place in vans. They came to Wombwell from Mexborough but they had only been at the latter place one night or some time they had been staying at Denaby, and as the Board were already aware the disease had been very had there.

They declared that they had no idea that the girl had small-pox, and did not knew of it until they reached Wombwell.

The case was reported to the Medical Officer. On examination of the van, Dr. Millar said there was no way of securing the safety of the place but by sending the remainder of the inhabitants of the van into quarantine. They were accordingly removed to the engine -house en the sewage farm, where there was room for two or three beds. The van was fumigated and its contents destroyed.

The persons were set at liberty by the Barnsley authorities as soon as possible after they had been vaccinated. The girl who had been attacked with smallpox had never been vaccinated the others had.

The Chairman : So much for vaccination.