Home Industry and Commerce Town Council The Gilchrist Lectures

The Gilchrist Lectures

March 1928

Mexborough and Swinton Times March 2, 1928

The Gilchrist Lectures

Heavy as was the responsibility associated with the arrangement of a series of Gilchrist lectures for Wombwell, the members of the Library Committee of the Wombwell Urban District Council have not regretted the venture. Any misgivings they might have entertained about the public support were dispelled on the occasion of the first lecture, and the attendances have since improved. The public have recognised the value of the lectures. It is one thing to obtain information from a book, and another to have it imparted directly in the lecture room by men who have distinguished themselves in various branches of learning. It is gratifying to learn that the Gilchrist lectures have prompted study, and enquiry. A t a meeting of the local branch of the Co-operative Guild, for instance, a whole evening was gives . to a further examination and discussion of Dr. D. H. S. Cranage’s talk on. The monastic system.

It has, I understand, been suggested that a distinction was created in making two charges, 5/- and 1/6, a point upon which there has been some criticism. It should be mentioned that these charges are fixed by the Gilchrist Trustees, the object,being to make it as easy as possible for working folk to enjoy the facilities.

Neither charge bears the slightest relation to the value of the lectures. In the arrangement of these lecture’s the public owes a special debt of appreciation to Mr. J. Winder (picture), chairman of the Library Committee.