Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Saturday 01 December 1928
Struggle in Bathroom
Wombwell Story of Suicide Attempt by Husband.
How a woman entered the bathroom to prevent her husband taking his life was disclosed Barnsley yesterday, when John T. Wiggett (39), a labourer, Pickup Crescent, Wombwell, was remanded to the workhouse on a charge of attempted suicide by strangulation.
It was stated that the man turned on the tap in the bathroom drown any noise, and then fastened the door. When his wife entered she found her husband attempting to hang himself by a scarf attached to a strong nail behind the door.
Mrs. Edith May Wiggett, giving evidence, said that she thought her husband must have pulled back the catch, because she had not to force the bathroom door.
“I found him with scarf round his neck,” she said, “and he was putting one end round the nail in the door. I put my fingers between the scarf and his throat and pulled the scarf loose. I threw it away, but he snatched up another and tied it round his neck. When l got him into the kitchen he asked for the clothesline.”
Witness added that her husband was depressed all the time he was out of work. She said she would try look after him.
Superintendent Blacker said the police had reported Wiggett from time to time. “He has slept out in all manner of places and has been reported missing several times.”
Recalled, Mrs. Wiggett said that her husband had been away on a number of occasions, and recently was away for fortnight. “I published a notice in the papers,” she said, “otherwise I don’t think would have come back. He has been peculiar.”