Home Sports Football Station Road  5  Worsboro 0 – Worsboro’ Worn Down

Station Road  5  Worsboro 0 – Worsboro’ Worn Down

23 February 1934

South Yorkshire Times, February 23rd, 1934

Worsboro’ Worn Down

Station Road  5  Worsboro 0

T. Wheeler (picture) played a great game for Station Road against Worsboro’ Bridge, dribbling well and making chances for the other forwards. He got a couple in the net himself but both were disallowed. Worsboro’ made the pace in the opening stages, the forwards combining well with McCarty, a dangerous centre. Simpson and Jones were also lively but Rowe was in fine form in the Station Road goal, while Taylor, Bird and Foster were capable halves.

Worsboro’ kept up the pressure for twenty minutes and then Station Road had a turn.  Wainwright started a movement which finished with Wheeler scoring but the goal was disallowed.  The Road continued to press, however, and Dobson gave them the lead after twenty minutes. Worsboro’ gave the station Road defence a warm time.  Harrop had hard lines on several occasions but Worsboro’ were unable to draw level.

After the interval Gill and Rowe shone in the Station Road defence but play gradually veered round in the Road’s favour.  Nuttall scored for them and goals quickly followed from Wainwright, Dobson and Thackray to give them a 5-0 victory.

Worsboro’ played a great game until tired by a stronger and more experienced side.