Home World War Two Stories from the War Soldier – Whittaker, Tom – “This Is The Life”

Soldier – Whittaker, Tom – “This Is The Life”

August 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 22 August 1942

“This Is The Life”

Ac 1. Tom Whittaker (26), brother of Mrs. Lax of 51, Gower Street, Wombwell, joined the R.A.F. In February, 1911, and old friends at Darfield Main, where he was previously employed will be glad to hear that he has “enjoyed every minute of It.”

Whittaker says he has had the luck to drop among a grand lot who always refer to him by the friendly title of “Yorkie.”

He is one of those who do not intend to go back to pit work if they can help it. Whittaker is a good sportsman.