Home The Great War Injured and Missing Soldier – Upton, Harold Edward – Wounded in Action.

Soldier – Upton, Harold Edward – Wounded in Action.

August 1919

Mexborough and Swinton Times August 9, 1919

In Russia.

Wombwell Officer Wounded.

Mr. and Mrs J. Upton, “The Old Homestead ” Wombwell, have received intimation from the Air Ministry that their youngest son, Lieut. Harold Edward Upton, has been wounded in action.

His injuries consist of shrapnel wounds in the right arm, and he is now lying in the 25th Casualty Rearing Station. Lieut. Upton joined a Cadet unit in April, 1918, and was commissioned the following August at the age of 18.

He went out in September to join the Aegan Squadron of the Royal Air Force, and the conclusion of the Armistice with Turkey, he left for Constantinople, and later for Russia.