Home The Great War Stories from the War Soldier & Sailor – Pearson, James & George -Land and Sea Brothers

Soldier & Sailor – Pearson, James & George -Land and Sea Brothers

June 1941

Mexborough & Swinton Times, June 21, 1941

Land and Sea Brothers

One “leg” in the Army and another in the Navy is the lot of a Wombwell family, Pearsons, of 188, Everill Gate Lane. Mrs. Pearson, who is a widow, had seven sons. One aged fifteen was killed at Cortonwood Colliery a year ago.

The sailor of the family is James Pearson (22), former pupil of Wombwell Modern School, who joined the Merchant Navy two years ago and has I visited many parts of the world.

He previously worked at Houghton Main and was a member of Hickleton Main Band, and Wombwell A.F.S.

The Army attracted Pte. George Pearson (19), who was in the “Terriers,” and re-joined at the outbreak of war, He formerly attended Broomhill Council School, was in the Broomhill Mission Scouts and worked at Houghton Main.