Home World War Two Stories from the War Soldier – Haines E.R. – With Famous General

Soldier – Haines E.R. – With Famous General

November 1939

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 25 November 1939

With Famous General

To have appeared on a photograph with General Gamelin, the Fench Commander in Chief, is a distinction enjoyed by a Wombwell soldier, Sergt. E.R.. Haines, of the Royal Tank Regiment. This occurred at an inspection in England some months before war started.

Standing smartly to attention in front of a tank, Sergeant Haines is the central figure of the picture, with General Garnelin chatting with high British officers on the right.

This interesting photograph was shown to our reporter by Sergeant Haines’ sister, Miss Rene Haines, who is the cashier at Wombwell Empire Theatre.

Sergt-Haines is the only son of Mrs, Haines, Bank Buildings, Wombwell, and the late Mr, George H Haines, who, as a figure in the cinema business, was well known throughout the North of England. Leaving school, Sergt. Haines, who is now 25, went into the “picture” business and was at one time projectionist at the Pavilion Theatre, Wombwell. He joined the Royal Tank Corps some six years ago and has now engaged for 21 years’ service. Now serving across the Channel, he writes to assure his friends that he is well and happy.

Sergt Haines missed embarkation leave, but hopes to come home with Santa Claus