Home Events Soldier – Farrimond, Fred – Wombwell Sergeant Gassed

Soldier – Farrimond, Fred – Wombwell Sergeant Gassed

January 1916

Mexborough and Swinton Times, January 15, 1916



Wombwell Sergeant Gassed

Sergeant Farrimond,
York and Lancaster Regiment

Sergeant Farrimond, York and Lancaster Regiment, whose photograph we reproduce, send the following letter to his mother at Park view Wombwell:
“I am just out of hospital, and they are keeping me down at the base for a few days rest, as they say I am not yet fit to go into the trenches again.

I had a jolly good time on Christmas Day. We have everything we wish for in the hospital – five courses for dinner – and all kinds of fruit, cigarette, chocolate et cetera. At night we had a grand concert.”

In a further letter Farrimond says:

“I have got over the effects of the gas and am feeling like myself again. It is terrible stuff with the sweet smell some slight pineapple, and the effects are hellish.”