Home The Great War Stories from the War Soldier – Davies J.E. -Distinguished Conduct Medal

Soldier – Davies J.E. -Distinguished Conduct Medal

February 1918

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Saturday 09 February 1918

D.C.M. Awards. The following are the deeds for which the undermentioned non-commissioned officers and men received the Distinguished Conduct Medal

From South Yorkshire:

41052 Pte. W. Harding, Worcesters (Goldthorpe).

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in attacking enemy strong points.

Seeing a blockhouse on his flank from which a machine-gun was firing, he worked his way round from the rear and captured the gun and eight prisoners.

He showed great courage and initiative

46707 Pte. (Actg:Sergt.) J. E. Davies, R.A.M.C. (Wombwell).

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty.

He led the stretcher-bearers forward under heavy rifle and shell fire to the most advanced position, where he worked for thirty-six hours in the open attending to the wounded.

He showed great coolness throughout, and set an excellent example to those under him.