Home World War Two Stories from the War Soldier – Clarke, Frederick George – Soldier’s Spell in Hospital

Soldier – Clarke, Frederick George – Soldier’s Spell in Hospital

January 1943

South Yorkshire Times January 23, 1943

News after 13 Months

Wombwell Soldier’s Spell in Hospital

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clarke, of 32, Edward Street, Wombwell, have had their anxiety relieved by a letter from their son, Private Frederick George Clarke (22), of whom they had not heard for thirteen months. The letter states that he has been in hospital in Egypt suffering from the effects of shell blast on his eyes, but is now recuperating in India.

Formerly employed at Darfield Main Colliery, Pte. Clarke joined up in November, 1938, and went abroad in July of the following year. He has not been home since.

He has been in some of the severest fighting in Syria, Egypt and Libya.

Clarke has a sister (Annie Elizabeth, aged 24), in the Land Army, a brother (Arthur, 17), in the Home Guard, and another brother (Donald, 13), in the Army Cadets.

He used to play football for the Parkhill Club, Wombwell.

In his last letter he says he has not been able to write home because of sickness and other difficulties. Mrs. Clarke would be pleased to hear from any Service colleagues who have met him.